As a charity, fundraising is a vital part of how Prior's Court operates - and over the past 25 years, millions of pounds have been raised to get specialist equipment and facilities for the autistic young people we support.

These are just some of the ambitions our incredible supporters have made become a reality over the last quarter of a century:

Bradbury Hall

Bradbury Hall contains our purpose-built and specially adapted dining room where young people and staff eat meals together.

But the room has also been used to host larger events such as autism conferences.

Young Adult Provision

Around £2.6m was raised to convert existing staff accommodation on our site to residential homes specifically for the needs of 19 to 25-year-olds, allowing Prior's Court to expand our provision past the age of 19.  The Young Adult Provision's aim was to provide a transitional step towards a more inclusive life.

The appeal started in 2008 with three homes then opening from 2011.

The Seasons

Our award-winning The Seasons residential homes raised in the region of £1.5m. Opened in 2017, these homes were built specifically to meet the needs of autistic young people with complex needs, including the approach to lighting and sound insulation.

The project went onto win the Judges’ Special Award at the 2018 British Construction Industry Awards.

See more about our residential accomodation

Multi-sensory Building

Around £70,000 raised to renovate a building to create our Multi-Sensory Building which contains a soft play area, an infinity room, a sensory exploration room and more. This opened in 2015.

Countryside Learning Centre

While £3,000 was needed for the start-up costs of the Countryside Learning Centre, ongoing donations through the years have supported this vocational learning area which seeks to replicate working on a farm.


In 2018, our own on-site bakery was opened after a £1.5m fundraising appeal. Starting out as a social enterprise, the venture has adapted to become more training focused to provide vocational learning opportunities for young people at Prior's Court and from further afield.


More than £45,000 raised to develop an orchard at our site, supporting young people at Prior's Court to develop vocational learning skills.

Read more about our specialist facilities

Health & Wellbeing Hub

Around £400,000 raised to create a bespoke facility designed to replicate external healthcare settings, helping the autistic young people we support to overcome anxieties and become more comfortable in these environments.

The Health & Wellbeing Hub opened in 2021.

Music Circle

£52,000 raised to create an area filled with bespoke, interactive Music Circle for young people to explore.

Performing Arts Centre

Our current main fundraising project to deliver an innovative and ground-breaking performing arts centre to support autistic young people to be able to access the transformational power of the arts.

More than £1.1m has been raised so far.

Explore our other current appeals

And there have been so many other donations to smaller and ongoing fundraising initiatives:

And more.

Thank you to every single person who has donated, been a fundraiser or generally supported us over the past 25 years.