Throughout our 25th anniversary celebrations, we're catching up with members of Prior's Court's alumni, seeing how they are doing now and their families' memories of Prior's Court.

This post focuses on Jamie who was at Prior's Court from 2001 to 2006, living in Palmer House, Beacon House and Charlotte House.

Where is Jamie now?

Jamie still lives in Colchester under the care of Autism Anglia. He has been there since 2006 when he left Prior's Court at the age of 19..

He is a tenant of a house belonging to Colne Valley housing trust, with another service user, and they have carers to support them 24/7. 

How is Jamie now?

Jamie continues to enjoy good health, and he keeps fit with trampolining, swimming and visits to the gym. He is a member at Colchester Leisure Centre and Bounceability in Weeley. He also has regular trips out to the cinema, pub, restaurants and seaside.  He recently went to Clacton Airshow, and our local Beer Festival.  At the time of writing, he is in Turkey on holiday with his Dad, and next May he is going to Italy to attend his sister's wedding

 Jamie continues to enjoy cooking, gardening, puzzles, and model making......and he does a 1000-piece puzzle in a weekend without using the picture. He is always keen to help with jobs at home especially if they entail using a hammer or drill!

What are your memories of Prior's Court as a family?

Jamie came to the school with recommendations of 2:1 care, but within weeks he was functioning well in a class without 1:1. and his violent, erratic behaviour completely changed. He made amazing progress and became a totally different child.  His eating habits changed making him less fussy, and he enjoyed trying new things. 

The teaching staff and therapists were all so dedicated and conscientious, that I never worried about leaving Jamie as a boarder from Monday to Friday. In fact he was always happy to go back to school after a weekend at home. There is no doubt in my mind that Jamie enjoyed his five years at the school.

We remain ever thankful to Prior's Court,  and doubt Jamie would be the person he is today had he not benefitted from the School's specialist teachers and staff providing necessary life skills, and a greater awareness and understanding of everything around him.

Read more on our 25th anniversary blog