We’ve recently signed up to be a member of Autism Alliance UK – a group of more than a dozen autism not-for-profits campaigning for improved outcomes and reduced inequalities for autistic people and their families.

The beliefs of Autism Alliance ring very strongly with our own:

  • “Autism is an integral part of a person and should not be viewed as something that needs to be cured or eliminated.” Tick.
  • “Society should celebrate the strengths of autistic people and support them to participate as valued citizens who have equal rights and opportunities.” Yep.
  • “It is essential to work with autistic people and their families to understand the issues that matter to them and to develop effective services and support.” Absolutely.
  • “A flexible and personalised approach is needed to enable society to include autistic people and enable autistic people to develop their skills and achieve positive outcomes.” Of course.
  • “More research is needed, and more work is required, to build the evidence base about what works in autism services and support, and to influence autism policy and practice.”  100%.

Voices are louder when they come together and we feel, given our shared beliefs, that Autism Alliance is the place Prior’s Court can make a significant difference to the autistic young people we support, and their families, and to the wider autism community in this country, rather than us speaking as a lone voice.

This said Prior’s Court works with some wonderful autistic people who have some very specific needs.  Within the Autism Alliance, we want to help ensure the voice of people with complex needs is heard and included.

We feel as if Prior’s Court – with our experience, our expertise, and the history of positive outcomes for young people – has a big part to play in the campaigning and network Autism Alliance is building and we want to be part of the bigger picture.

Ryan Campbell, Chief Executive Officer, Prior's Court